L-TRYPTOPHAN is an essential amino acid that the body can not produce itself and should be supplied with a diet. It is responsible for the proper functioning of the nervous system, and its deficiencies cause energy loss, inferiority, and even state of depression. Tryptophan can also be helpful in weight loss - it helps control appetite for carbohydrates and sweets.
L-TRYPTOPHAN is converted in the brain to serotonin, a neurotransmitter called the "hormone of happiness". Without the right amount of precursor- tryptophan, there is a shortage of serotonin in the body, which is manifested by mood swings, anxiety, insomnia, aggressiveness, increased sensitivity to pain, and finally depressive disorders. Serotonin is also responsible for impulsive behavior, sexual needs and regulating appetite.
L-TRYPTOPHAN as a essential amino acid has many beneficial effects for the body: Participation in the production of serotonin, so-called. happiness hormone weakness. Participation in the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for the circadian rhythm of the body. Participation in niacin biosynthesis (PP vitamins). Reduction of hyperactivity and tension, mood regulation. Has positive effects on the nervous system- regulation of neurotransmitter levels: noradrenaline, dopamine and β-endorphins. Regulation of body metabolism and metabolism of carbohydrates.
Suggested use: Consume one (1) capsule 1-3 times per day, preferably before meals and before sleep. Our product is suitable for vegans (cellulose capsules).