Iron is very valuable and one of the most important minerals in our body. Among other things, it is responsible for tissue regeneration and proper growth, supports the fight against free radicals and reduces the feeling of fatigue.
Iron is a component of many proteins. It is a key element of hemoglobin, a component of red blood cells and myoglobin, where it plays an important role in the transport of oxygen in muscle tissues. Iron is also found in the so-called active centers of enzymes, which include: peroxidase, catalase and cytochromes. Iron affects the proper functioning of the immune system. It is a kind of protective shield against infections. Iron also supports the nervous system, where it is responsible for maintaining intellectual and physical functions. It also prevents premature skin aging.
Green Labs Nutrition Iron in the form of iron bisglycinate ensures the quality and easy dosing.
Each tablet contains 40mg of Iron.
Suggested Use: Consume one tablet per day.