Spirulina is an emerald-green alga in the shape of a spiral of microscopic size is an extraordinary plant.
We do not know any grain, fruit or food that would be richer in nutrients. It is referred to as Mother Earth's milk due to the extremely high concentration of very rare gamma-linolenic acid (GLA).
Spirulina contains gamma linolenic acid is involved in the biosynthesis of substances that lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of intravascular clots, anti-inflammatory, increase the activity of the immune system, relieve pre-menstrual symptoms, affect the appearance of the skin, hair and nails. In addition, spirulina has other healing properties. Spirulina is also called green meat because of the unusually high content of high-value protein. Its share is almost three times higher than the protein content in meat. It contains 18 amino acids, including 8 essentials, of which proteins are made. This is the highest concentration that can be found in food. They are not only muscle building material, but also bring many health benefits, including they level blood sugar, speed up convalescence. This unusual alga also contains easily digestible iron (it has much more than meat), magnesium, potassium, vitamins, macro- and microelements. Thanks to the presence of pigments - green chlorophyll and blue phycocyanin - spirulina has antioxidant properties and can protect against cancer. Spirulina contains a phycocyanin that acts as a blue dye and a substance that inhibits the pancreatic lipase enzyme, lowers blood triacylglycerols levels and also reduces postprandial glycemia. Other ingredients in spirulina that regulate postprandial glycaemia are phenylalanine, which also suppresses the hunger, and glycolipid H-b2, which lowers blood lipids. Researchers, studying spirulina for several decades, concluded that it increases the efficiency of the immune system, supports the heart and reduces cholesterol, helps strengthen the digestive system. Spirulina also adds vitality, improves the psychophysical condition. This is due to vitalizing ingredients (vitamins, enzymes), as well as so-called biofotons, or molecules, in which the algae accumulated solar energy and gives it to the body ready to be used. Plant dyes contained in spirulina - phycoerythrine, phycocyanines and chlorophyll - protect against the harmful effects of UV radiation on the skin, thus significantly delaying the aging process. In addition, spirulina is used as an additive for cosmetics for dry and sensitive skin.
Contains linolenic gamma that takes part in the biosynthesis of substances that lower blood pressure.
It contains 18 amino acids, including 8 essentials, of which proteins are made.
Spirulina also contains easily absorbed iron (it has much more than meat), magnesium, potassium, vitamins, macro- and microelements.
It lowers the level of triacylglycols in the blood and also reduces postprandial glycemia.
Spirulina also adds vitality, improves the psychophysical condition.
It protects against the harmful effects of UV radiation on the skin, which significantly delays the aging process.