Caffeine has stimulatory properties by acting on the cortex. Causes better concentration, prolongs concentration, reduces fatigue and drowsiness. Some studies indicate that it improves logical thinking and memory. However, this is a short-term effect and with the expulsion of caffeine from the body is killed. The average half-life of this compound in the body is 4 hours (each has a different sensitivity to caffeine - faster metabolism, for example, in smokers). Caffeine is a compound used in painkillers because it alleviates pain and tension, and also affects the release of dopamine - the hormone responsible for the feeling of satisfaction.
Stimulates the central nervous system, improves concentration
Improves reflexes
Raises mood
It narrows the cerebral vessels so it helps in migraines.
It affects the release of dopamine - the hormone responsible for the feeling of satisfaction
It widens the bronchi (helps in the bronchial asthma attack)
Increases body function.
The effect of caffeine is that it stimulates the central nervous system, affecting concentration, reflexes and elevate mood. In addition, caffeine accelerates heart function, increases the strength of its contraction and increases the rate of metabolism. It also narrows the cerebral vessels, helping to alleviate migraine.
Taurine improves fat metabolism, protects against the development of diabetes, lowers blood pressure, improves heart function, protects the liver and provides good vision.
But taurine has another very important feature that has made it popular among athletes - it inhibits the processes
of catabolism in the muscles and intensifies anabolism. This makes it easier for people to build muscle tissue and regenerate
the body after exhausting training.
Anticatabolic action of taurine is similar to that of glutamine. Both of these substances store and transport nitrogen,
which plays a key role in restoring damaged tissues after training. This allows the tissues to produce their own proteins
to rebuild their structures and not have to use the amino acids derived from the broken muscle proteins.
The process of catabolism is thus inhibited, and the regeneration of the organism proceeds without loss.
In addition, taurine helps in transporting another important amino acid - creatine. It protects muscle cells against oxidative stress,
accelerates muscle regeneration and improves protein synthesis by increasing muscle mass.
Taurine also has an anabolic effect, though not directly. Research has shown that this amino acid stimulates the pancreas
to produce insulin. Insulin, along with testosterone, growth hormone and IGF-1, is a natural anabolic hormone. The higher
the concentration in the blood, the faster the structure of the muscle tissue. Taurine works as a supplement in certain conditions.
It has been shown to work well in overweight (it has been shown that 3 grams of taurine a day for 2 months helps to lose weight
and lower bad cholesterol levels), diabetics, people suffering from cardiovascular disease who have liver problems. It is recommended
even in the case of excessive hair loss and alopecia. Taurine should also be supplemented with vegans and vegetarians as this amino
acid is not present in plant products.
Protection against muscle catabolism on training days and at night;
Acceleration of muscle regeneration after training;
Intensification of anabolic processes;
Strengthening myocardial contractility;
Regulation of electrolytes in the body (primarily prevention of potassium and magnesium deficiency during exercise);
Improved metabolism and faster fat loss.